I need a miracle, that GOD would call off my husband's divorce hearing.
Are you in a 50/50 state like CT or a divorce state like NY where the burden is on the highest earner?

It's a no fault state. He can do it without my consent.

Heard about this site from Santasurfing. I am a Clothing Designer & Fit Officianado:. Going on deep dives, hitting head Rabbit Holes.
I cant speak to the emotional part as most men going through mid life crisis divorce than regret it. MOST women move on and are in retrospect happy it ended. The reason I asked because N/F st does not necessarily mean 50/50.Wife of my friends divorce got 70/30.in retrospect she deserved it. If however you are not in a n/f state I have seen many sloth men take advantage as women pushing the women into becoming the earners then suing for divorce. The women then have to support the men.Have seen the opposite women at fault and divorce agreement unfair to the man. I am sorry for your trouble.