Prayer request for my daughter who is 40 years old and has been fighting cancer since 2017.
She's had 14 operations and several long chemotherapies.
Each procedure was accompanied by a promise that 'this will probably be the cure'
Now, she has two growths, one in each lung.
She had a lung function test last week and will see her cancer surgeon next week.
If I may say so myself, she's beautiful, talented, brilliant and a really sweet child.
Last night, I told her that she is a shining example of what a human being should be.
I was trying to comfort her because of all things, her husband is being the opposite of supportive.
I hope she knows how much her family loves her and especially how much God loves her.
Even before 2017 I had information about possible cancer cures.
Unfortunately, her husband took immediate charge and i haven't been able to say anything about cures to her.
I hope the right information will get to her via friends, frens and family who will post the cures.
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
As a cancer survivor of over 25 years, I believe very case of cancer is actually a Crime Against Humanity, because now we know there are many cures for it, most are not expensive at all, and these cures have been withheld to keep us ill. That's my opinion.
Our Nation was put "under a spell" of the Serpent's Medical Establishment that was never interested in "cures". Brainwashed since birth, we "trusted our doctors", when we should have been trusting ourselves.
🙏 I pray for your daughter, that the "spell" be broken, and
🙏 I pray that her heart & mind open immediately to new and truthful information, so that she is empowered to heal, and
🙏 I pray she discovers good remedies that stop and reverse her cancer's progression, and
🙏 I pray that those who would hold her back lose their grip entirely, and
🙏 I pray that Medbeds get here in time to restore her to full health & vitality. I believe they are coming soon, and
that God Bless Her now!
Breast cancer survivor here. I was "fortunate" to have my early stage cancer caught early. However I did have to have a mastectomy with reconstruction due to the location of the cancer cells. Subsequently as a nurse, ( now retired) I have done a lot of research. I truly believe my cancer was directly related to an acidic body. I was working as a PACU nurse in a free standing outpatient surgery center ( I had just left 26 years as an ER/Trauma nurse). We were provided meals as a benefit, which included a lot of fast food, and a free soda machine. So I was not eating as healthy as normal. I began to drink soda instead of water. I know now without a doubt, had I made my body alkaline, I could have cured my early breast cancer. Not one doctor mentioned the need for an alkaline diet, or high oxygen therapy. No mention of anything but the disfiguring surgery. 😥
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
After my Big Pharma cancer treatment, which included cuttin' + radiation (that did more damage to me than anything), I did a total change in lifestyle including cutting out junk foods, then went totally organic. I was exposed to Cesium 137 at an industrial project 3 years prior to being diagnosed with cancer 25 years ago, but I was also pounding sodas (diet, even worse) and eating junk food daily like a dumbass. A really bad combo.
But seein' how I was previously irradiated you would think I woulda been smart enough to tell my oncologist "HELL NO" when it came to bein' irradiated a second time, but I too was brainwashed to trust my doctor. If I had been eating well I think the 1st radiation exposure wouldn't have done anything. You gotta be acidic to get sick, and if you're alkali you stay well, pretty simple.
That's why they made sure to make SUGAR a big part of our diet, high carbs too, seein' cancer cells only ferment glucose...
Surprised I don't glow in the dark, frankly.
Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
😅😆😁 glad you don't glow from the radiation, but you do glow in sharing the truth! 😇
Like you, I researched and found out I needed an alkaline body. Switched to organic, significantly decreased process foods, eating no fast food for over 15 years now. NEVER drink soda or bottled water. Reduced sugar and NEVER high fructose corn syrup. Got rid of flouride as much as possible, no vaccines, lots of exercise, fresh air, sunshine, fresh organic fruits and veggies. I do those things and ingest certain herbs that support the immune system. I test my body alkalinity periodically too. So happy to hear your testimony as well. Well done! 😄