@ theyorkshirelassnews
After last night’s satanic 33rd Olympic ceremony
of worshiping a golden calf,
a pale horse riding through Paris
God being mocked
Children in tunnels
headless actors dressed in red with fire
Snoop dog wearing a Baphomet necklace …
Elon Musk posted on X
‘This was extremely disrespectful to Christians’..
It made people.. see for themselves how evil & satanic
the woke west actually is.
Put on the full armor OF GOD,
so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
@ RebelWithACause
Vast amounts of people, religions & companies
are condemning#olympics & the backlash is gaining momentum.
"Shocked" C Spire pulled its advertising ..
The Olympics committee pulled its official video from YouTube..
Elon Musk 'unfollowed' the Olympics on X ..
Russia says “thank god we are not a part of this disgrace”
😻 Several Parisian Arrondissements have had blackouts today
EXCEPT Le Sacré-Cœur Cathedral in Montmartre 🙏
We are very careful about who we invite into our living room. We want to remain clean and comfortable. We do not have cable TV or any other MSM. We stream only those programs who have no commercials and no violence, nudity and ugly language. Our living room is clean and we keep it that way by carefully screening out any programs that are full of Satan and his evil activities. WWJD - what would Jesus DO? He would never own a TV. We may also get to that place with His help. Those links that ask me to disable my ad blocker are not being viewed by me. I have the ad blocker because I do not want to see their ads. It is easy to understand why God will "make all things new". The filth and evil can not be cleansed but must be destroyed forever.