😻 QTeam is clear: They are conducting this global war
for the Freedom of Planet Earth & Humanity
LEGALLY & BY THE BOOK.#1226#3968
That means not just Militarily [DoD Laws of War]
but also regards government, banking/finances, business,
medicine, etc.
In his speech @ the RNC President/CiC Trump spoke about
curing Cancer, Alzheimer’s & everything else.
How could he say that?
Because he has ALREADY made a LEGAL WAY for Med Beds
& all kinds of amazing “Space Age” healing technology
that is READY & in the wings for all.
In May 2018, President Trump signed S.204 into law
“An act to authorize the use of unapproved medical products
by patients diagnosed with terminal illness…” [Right To Try]
Yesterday, Ariel @ Prolotario1 pointed out
that since the Chevron Doctrine was overturned by SCOTUS
the LEGAL way has been made clear
to roll out the wonders of healing for all. For free.
Med Beds & Quantum everything EXISTS & are INCOMING 🎉
Praying my mom makes it to the med bed.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness