In Los Angeles, CA. JESUS first! Mom, dog mom and Patriot. Cancer survivor 2 years.
So ignorant! Unbelievable! It is obvious that people who wish harm on others are the most evil of all. She doesn't even know those caravans of illegals are fake! So sad there are people like this in existance!
Patriot, God first, family & country, WWG1WGA. MAGA. .Trump is my President.
This could be my only sister & both of my brothers sons. You can't reason with any of them. I no longer try.
Someone tell that dumb bitch open boarders is via the UN and it so they can basically destroy every country and openly traffick.
👀 for truth in all things with the 👀 &👂of the holy spirit. Q is the Father's master plan. Jesus is King. Isaiah 11:4-9
I listened a couple of times and couldn't 100% figure out what the hell her point sounded like a chaotic, jumbled parroting of democrat brainwashing that had been bouncing around in her mind since the day it was put there. It probably wanted to escape too because of all the loneliness.
Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
Either she is a colluding traitor or suffering the side effect of drinking the MSM Kool-Aid for 8+ years. None stop lies combined with fear/hate mongering has warped people's ability to think logically.
She is in for a VERY RUDE AWAKENING when the lies the MSM has told about President Trump are exposed, and he is vindicated. I
Yes, I know she is more likely going to be in the 4 to 6% that never accept reality.
WWG1WGA, Patriot, A1&2, Spiritual Warrior, Healer, Truth Seeker, Ascension Bound, Trump is My President, Happily married! In God we trust!
Sadly, this could be my one sister.....mental disease is correct.
TDS to the max! Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Trump is my President We are in a war of God vs Evil Hold the Line Justice is Coming. Texas Strong #savethechildren WWG1WGA
You cannot reason with ignorance these types will fall by the wayside soon as we are many-they are few
I never thought I’d say this about another human. BUT I hope her thoughts are mirrored back to HER and her family who would grieve if she died. She is selfish and doesn’t think about what death does to a whole family. Shame on her.
passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
spread her insanity far and wide... shes not gonna do so well soon,, i hope its very painful for her.. anyone who wants someone dead for all the wrong reasons?? not gonna go well.. aNd no i wont feel sorry for her the rest of her life..she created her journey.she gets herself out of it. all by herslef