Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
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Its getting frightening on this platform the need for agreement...
and if you are not 100 percent on the side of those demanding absolute compliance to a very rigid perspective of what happened...
You all need to drop the hystrionics...
We all know its a MOVIE... so why are people milking the situation and muddying the field so that the opportunities for adult discussion is being threatened...
You leave no room for nuance... its a tyranny like the rest...
It was, in my view, a sting operation and at no point we the REAL presiudent trum at risk...
That does not mean an attemtp was not inthe process of happening.... its just that events were staged and rigged to expose it....
I think thats a much more respectful way to view Trump and also his team...
If everyone is stropping about demanding people comply to their world veiw we have gained nothing... in fact its the most depressing situation.. and I dont trust that that miond set its self is not the enemy...
I thought it is a participation movie. We don't know exactly what happened.