When I saw the video there were a few things that did not seem right and stood out to me.
1. No bullet proof glass protection.
2. Secret service seemed a bit far away, plus he is suppose to be protected by Marines.
3. Only one military person on the stage after the shooting.
4. People behind Trump standing casually with an active shooter, not hitting the ground.
5. Vincent Fuscha standing in plain view.
6. I don't think they would have permitted him to stand up not knowing if he was injured by another bullet. You always must keep the patient lying down, and move the patient in that position.
7. Not knowing if there were further injuries, one would think they would have placed him directly into an ambulance that always follows him and proceed to do a complete head to toe assessment. Only then would the patient be allowed to sit or stand up.🤔

1. No bullet proof glass protection.
-Need better
2. Secret service seemed a bit far away, plus he is suppose to be protected by Marines.
-Sec. Serv. depend on local law enforcement
3. Only one military person on the stage after the shooting.
-I saw more than 1
4. People behind Trump standing casually with an active shooter, not hitting the ground.
-Shock: fright or flight
5. Vincent Fuscha standing in plain view.
-Shock or?
6. I don't think they would have permitted him to stand up not knowing if he was injured by another bullet. You always must keep the patient lying down and move the patient in that position.
-Kelva vest
7. Not knowing if there were further injuries, one would think they would have placed him directly into an ambulance that always follows him and proceed to do a complete head to toe assessment. Only then would the patient be allowed to sit or stand up.
-They're experienced -knew it was only his ear grazed

🎥 This was a well-rehearsed scene in a movie.
It was brilliant.
I am calm because I knew this was coming.
Many Patriots telegraphed it
but Q The Storm Rider stated it CLEARLY
& I posted it last month
so Anons would not be afraid 💪😻
6-13-24 🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider
"You WILL know after the assassination attempt happens
that white hats staged the EVENT...
You will know this because
TRUMP WILL survive" 🦅🇺🇸🪖❤️

We share very few sentiments with our government.
This is the most logical explanation to me, because as I was watching it, I got the familiar psyop/pretend feeling.
Chances are, the two who "died" didn't, and were just agents playing their part.
I get the feeling the white hats hijacked a black hat operation and are now working their way back to see who conspired.
Maybe. That's just a working theory. I just don't believe the official story. The fist pump was a little too "Let's Roll" for my tastes. But whatever cooks the goose, let's just get it done.

Lover of the Nature Spirits and Natural Law. No Masters. No Slaves. FREEDOM #NewEarth
Hi Kat ... TY for all you do. Still a great account that delivers the truth. I hope I meet you someday. :) 💗