Double Moons in Dubai
...the “authorities” have made an official comment stating that these Double Moons were artificially created... so don’t believe your lying eyes... and get back to work (and ‘keep your heads down.... you shouldn’t be staring up in the Sky all night anyway... oh... AND... these aren’t the droids you’re looking for... so move ahead...”
I had tons of prophetic dreams since 2014 but in March 2020 I literally dreamed of looking outside a window and seeing 2 Moons in the sky! One of normal size and the other one became HUGE! I mean really huge! Was the oddest dream that felt very real.

In another dream days after this one I saw a Star Map and new planets and Stars suddenlt showed up on it. I don't know where I saw this before, but I think someone said the Ascension is close, as the Planets of 4D and 5D become visible!