“Trump foundation signed an agreement today
in the Saudi coastal city of Jeddah
to build a new Trump Tower in the town.”
Trump Towers are TESLA TOWERS
like the Border Wall Elon built 😉 (Thanks Uncle John 😻)
🇺🇸🪖 Q The Storm Rider
❤️🔥 TRUMP SAVED Prince M bin Salman’s LIFE
( the 2017 shooting was a staged FALSE FLAG event
to kill Saudi Arabian Prince MBS)……
_The assassination set up was around
the Mohammad Bin Salman's car detail...
Weeks after Las Vegas shooting massacre
Bin Salman came to TRUMP
& pledged his Allegiance & joined the ALLIANCE 🇺🇸🇸🇦🪖
🇨🇦 Charlie & Colleen Freak
In the Summer of 2017
…The Crown Prince & King submitted publicly
the control of Saudi Arabia to DJ Trump.
They PUBLICLY held The Sword Dance ritual
which is a very very big deal to the Muslim culture.
Only the KING holds the sword.
Who do we see holding the sword? DJ Trump 🗡️👑🦅🇺🇸

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
Is Saud still the Bloody Wonderland? Is the Prince still a muslim? Or has he converted?
It would be easier to believe the Middle East is an ally, if he was no longer a muslim.
Mohammed married Ayesha when she was 6, groomed her for 3 years, then consummated, at the onset of her period.
Mohammed tried to convert the jews of Medina. They refused, then kicked him out of the city.
He took up robbing the camel trains, and conditioned his cult to HATE jews.
He lusted after the wives of others, and took sex slaves.
This person is considered by every muslim, to be the perfect man.
Taqiyya, infiltration, take over. These are the things islam does to maintain control, and ensure it knows what is happening.
Obamas education, and path to the White House was paid for, by the house of Saud.
I cannot believe they are our allies, islam lies.
We have to realize their morals are different to ours, they think we are stupid, and weak, because we continually fall f

😻 As I understand it, Carole,
President/CiC Trump & QTeam
SAVED MBS's LIFE when his family tried to kill him.
I believe M bin Salman is exactly
how Q The Storm Rider describes him:
🇺🇸 3-9-22 Q The Storm Rider
"Like i said , many many many times..
Mohammed Bin Salman is one of Trumps greatest ALLIES///))
… Bin Salman Is going to make MAJOR moves
on the chess ♟️♟️ board"
🇺🇸 Jan Halper-Hayes
& the LEADER of cleaning up the corrupt debris.
He had the military behind him
BEFORE he came down that escalator.
He was recruited.
Putin handing President Trump the soccer ball?
Putin was saying ‘The ball is in your court.’
It was one more leader falling in with Trump’s plan
because it is bigger than the United States 🇷🇺🪖
6-21-24 Q The Storm Rider & ULTRA Pepe
on M Bin Salman 👑
👇 3 pages

Thank you for sharing Kat!💓💐🌷🌻🌼

It's a privilege, Judy 🙏❤️🇺🇸🪖