🇺🇸 Dan
Trump Las Vegas
32 second vid 💥
Maybe one day but it cannot go slow.
The initial wave will be fast and meaningful.
It will send a signal to others immediately
and you’ll see the tide turn
(not even the MSM can hide
and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).
🇺🇸 6-4-24 Juan O Savin
18:30 There’s a move of God coming that is so stunning
it will absolutely change the nature
of the American public on the whole
in large, vast numbers.
There’s always going to be those that have a stony heart
that not just hate Trump but hate God himself.
They will be ground to nothingness
in the midst of this move of the hand of God.
Just like in that Esther moment.
when the tide turns completely
all the enemies of the people were gone, wiped out, nullified.
107 👇 Take FiVe
In the Midwest, watching the corn and soy poison us all, really up-close-like now.
Remembering once when Trump said he would see to it that Senior Villages, or Towns, or Developments would be built for the enjoyment and benefit of Seniors. Maybe we'll be living in a Trump Tower someday.