* Married Patriot * NRA Instructor * NRA Range Safety Officer * LE security instructor * Conservative * Christian * I back the Blue & Trump
An Open Letter to the Military from USA American People
We the People are firing the Government - Effective Immediately!
I thought this was some kind of joke, but it's NOT!
It's spreading throughout the country!
Here's a link to "We the People" on a word document. It's just over 4 pages; but you'll want to read it: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AvxlDMD6D9lDi4F-EEZ_6MiZmrvcYQ?e=jMA0rf
Thank you Brother!! I have the full doc open, and only part way thru. I fully concur with every point.
And if by chance, some points are actually already taken care of, we further demand that full disclosure and redress be initiated ASAP!! I do believe that Trump was greatly involved in, hopefully the LAST Bankruptcy of the Corporate USA, Inc. I would encourage everyone to read and share this widely on all available platforms.
America, Bless God!!!
(Intentionally in that order)