An Open Letter to the Military from USA American People
We the People are firing the Government - Effective Immediately!
I thought this was some kind of joke, but it's NOT!
It's spreading throughout the country!
Here's a link to "We the People" on a word document. It's just over 4 pages; but you'll want to read it:!AvxlDMD6D9lDi4F-EEZ_6MiZmrvcYQ?e=jMA0rf

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
Trump isnt on Telegram. SMH

Descendant of Martha Washington & Gen Custer's sister. Comm Artist. Happily Married 44 years!! America, Bless God!!!
Thank you Brother!! I have the full doc open, and only part way thru. I fully concur with every point.
And if by chance, some points are actually already taken care of, we further demand that full disclosure and redress be initiated ASAP!! I do believe that Trump was greatly involved in, hopefully the LAST Bankruptcy of the Corporate USA, Inc. I would encourage everyone to read and share this widely on all available platforms.
America, Bless God!!!
(Intentionally in that order)