For the record, there was no insurrection at the Capitol. Facts. It was a staged production. Who staged it? You'll soon find out. If there's a conviction because of it, that will also be staged and fake as well. Enjoy the show, bathroom breaks are allowed.
Even a fake conviction will do more harm to our country It'ill create vailidation for those who are still alseep and hate T That would be the absolute wromg direction to take this This movie has already played out too long The division is still very strong because Dems are great at lying & MSM is great at being their messenger service doubling down on those lies Some ppl don't have the luxury of time to sit through a 4th 5th 6th etc Act Blue State residents r suffering finacially frm the strictest lockdows & look at what Insulin prices r doing to ppl! Its time to Strike & make it a big BOOM