All i know is that i woke up one morning in an alternate universe & i want out. i can joins ur flock plz?
@Joey (joey darktolight)- I hope you're here. I earned my first suspension on Twitter today so all I could do is read your post , I'm not allowed to respond. I'm praying for you like mad. You ARE NEEDED, you ARE IMPORTANT, and you ARE LOVED! I am also in a place where I have been kicked while I was already down for too long - it becomes ridiculous and makes you question EVERYTHING like, when will something, anything go right for me?! It's maddening because you don't deserve it and it gets near impossible to believe that it'll turn around. But I believe with every cell in my body that it WILL turn around. There's no way we fight this hard for this long and get kicked & kicked in our private lives till there's almost nothing left & the universe/God/higher power not lift you up at some point. I know you're reeling and I know I've said nothing you haven't heard over & over & I'm sorry I can't give you more but PLEASE, hold on. Please.💗💕