WE can look at life like this:
If WE ARE not yet surrounded by laughing friends, on amazing journeys, and constantly choosing between lots of fun things to do, it's simply because WE HAVE NOT gotten to that part yet.
If WE ARE really honest.
WE have to admit that things today, in OUR most amazing LIVES, at this most amazing time in history, are far better than THEY HAVE ever, ever been.
WE just never know, who in the crowd, standing beside US in line or passing US in the street, might be raised in spirit, or even lifted from despair, by the kindness in OUR glance or the comfort of OUR SMILES.
I KNOW WE could do something for someone today.
THEY WILL REMEMBER it for the rest of their LIVES.
What SOVEREIGNS rarely give themselves credit for, is that OUR giving continues giving, even after WE FORGET TO GIVE, and even when WE ARE NOT AWARE.
Everything matters but rarely for the reasons WE think.
You know, Elizabeth, it's only after umpte