Elizabeth Seewalt
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Did you know, that whenever we say,
“I think I’m onto something HUGE, I’m so excited, I love my life, I have total clarity”
it’s like hitting an “ON” button that throws countless supernatural, invisible mechanisms into action that gradually begin physically rearranging the props and events of our lives so that these affirmations soon yield something HUGE, generate excitement, inspire love, and provide clarity?
Whenever we say,
“I don’t know what to do, it’s all so hard, I hate my life, I don’t ever want to return here”
it’s like hitting an “OFF” button.
The Universe does not recognize, don't, hate, never.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
A super-secret, double-reminder for all fearless flowers:
If we but soak up the sunlight we are given, drink each drop of water that is sent and strive only to be ourselves, life shall quicken in our roots, our soul shall raise us to the light, and our bloom will inspire the world.
Just take baby steps.
Stand in your power.
Trust in your intuition.
Sovereign Forever.
No matter what our faith is or is not, no matter where in the world we are, we all know that during this special time of the year source is with us.
In the eyes of every child and the melody of every song.
We see beauty in the glimmer of ice crystals, the rays in the sun, and the stars at night.
In every smile we see, every hug we receive, and every laugh we hear, source is reaching out through another, with blessings and tidings to last us the year.
Remember who we are.
Stand in your power.
We are all powerful beings.
Sovereign Forever.
Go for it, not once, but again and again and again.
Do whatever it takes.
In the end, with arms held high in absolute rapture, beaming with joy, feeling as light as a feather, crying our eyes out, we will see how fantastically disproportionate the rewards are for the effort expended, the risks taken, and the price paid no matter how many false starts we endured.
We are astounded by how quickly we made it, even though, when the going got tough and our spirits ebbed, we thought we would never, ever "see the day."
Our thoughts become our reality.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
Give with a truly grateful heart, for the sole purpose of the good it will do, and whatever we give shall return to us, multiplied, as if on wings.
A grateful heart creates the best things.
Remember who we are.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever
Everyone gets to take as long as they want before waking up to the realization that life, is a love game.
Life is all about love, gratitude, and joy.
Our thoughts create our reality
Lets create a world of love.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign forever.
The reason we all like the holiday season so much, is because it's one of the few times during the year when we all take it upon ourselves to "be the difference" in the lives of others.
Which gives us all hope that the day's not far off.
When we will do as much for ourselves.
Remember our thoughts become our reality.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
There isn't a moment in any day, when someone, somewhere, isn't better off because of something we have done.
And no matter what we do, or don't do, with the rest of our lives, we cannot comprehend the amounts of love, joy, and personal assistance that are already being sent out to us in gratitude.
Thoughts become our intentions.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
For simply giving thanks, when we lie down to sleep each night or, from time to time, for no reason or rhyme, we begin to move with life instead of against it.
We are shown that life could not possibly be more beautiful than it already is.
We see that we are the fountainhead of our experiences.
We remember that we transcend all things time and space, and we know we are the master to all creation.
We find that we live in a paradise where the only thing that truly seems impossible is how powerful we really are and how much we are loved.
Gratitude is a gift that keeps on giving.
Thank you Sovereigns for being grateful beings.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
Do we know what our thoughts did last week?!
They became the things and events of this week.
The things we thought would be difficult became difficult; easy became easy; boring became boring; and fun became fun.
Where our thoughts there might be surprises, we were surprised. And where we thought there might be difficulties, there were.
We can add last week to the long list of our most creative accomplishments.
Now, can we guess what our thoughts this week are going to do?
Be aware of your thoughts for they create our reality.
Remember who we are.
Stand in Your Power.
Sovereign Forever.
Was that us?
We are all just tinkering with some time-space elements when a familiar voice rang out, "OMG!
Thank you so much for this day and every second of it!
Exactly as it is, exactly as I am"
Gratitude is the key to higher frequencies and higher energies and more positivity in our lives.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
Sometimes, when things take longer than we thought they would, it's just a gentle reminder that we have more time than we thought and that there's a journey to enjoy.
Enjoy every minute sovereigns.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
What if we first got to decide how we would like to feel, happy or sad, hurt or mad, approving or jealous and then the universe goes out and rearranges all the sovereigns and circumstances of our lives to make it so?
Would we like that?
Would we choose happiness?
Its all about choices when it comes to creating.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
Living the lives of our dreams is a lot like sailing.
We pick our destination, hoist up our sail, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let the wind do all the hard work.
In other words, imagine the end result, do what we can, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let the universe blow our minds and hearts.
Our thoughts are our creations.
Stand in your power.
Sovereign Forever.
Neither worthiness, effort, skill, intelligence, talent, timing, connections, looks, popularity, blood, sweat, or tears will make the difference.
More than anything else, living prosperously, loved and in love, and having the freedom to a new job, a new home, gardening, herbal medicine whenever WE want is simply a matter of knowing that WE already do.
How WE feel, is more important than anything else.
And this is something WE get to choose, moment by moment.
Happy works for me.
Believing WE can, WE can.
Though WE might not.
Believing WE can't won't change that WE can.
It just hides it.
Whereas simply getting started, however timid OUR first steps are, and consistently moving in the direction of OUR dreams day after day, will eventually create such unstoppable momentum, WE WILL find it nearly impossible to believe that there was ever a time when WE wavered.
Declaration of Sovereignty
I release all remaining resistance
I release all fear still stuck in my body, my cells, blood and bones
I release all unforgiveness
I release all resentment
I release all guilt
All shame
All blame
I release all victim energy
I release all persecutor energies
All judgement
All criticism
I release all preconceived ideas
I release all jealousy
All hate
All anger
All grief, pain and suffering
I release all frustration
I release all need to control
I release those that want to control me
All manipulation
I release spite
All feelings of I'm not good enough or better than any other
I am releasing all remaining implants, devices, entities, attachments, cords, ties, vows, pacts, contracts, agreements, all and everything that binds me to the old, all that doesn't serve my highest good any longer
I release all remaining feelings of separation from Self, others, my Higher Self, Soul, Oversoul, Monad and from Source
I r
One of the trickiest things about life, is that, at times, it happens so slowly.
Yet if it happened any faster WE WOULD already have everything WE WOULD ever want without learning to enjoy the ride.
Buy something special for OURSELVES.
Be proud.
Flaunt your style.
Love yourself.
MAKE A few mistakes.
Stay up too late every so often and sleep in too long.
Sometimes wake up crazy early to doodle or journal or go for a walk.
Play music loud.
Celebrate everything.
KISS the back of each of OUR hands in quick succession.
Happy love affair.
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WE ARE the Alpha, the Omega, and everything in between WE ARE OUR thoughts?
Not just in them.
Not just riding upon them.
Not just what they manifest.
Would it be easier for US to see how far WE can send them?
How unlimited they are?
How dependable?
And how potentially healing, nurturing, and magical they are?
SEE how powerful WE ALL ARE?
Prairie Republic | Facebook
prairierepublic - Twitch
WE can look at life like this:
If WE ARE not yet surrounded by laughing friends, on amazing journeys, and constantly choosing between lots of fun things to do, it's simply because WE HAVE NOT gotten to that part yet.
If WE ARE really honest.
WE have to admit that things today, in OUR most amazing LIVES, at this most amazing time in history, are far better than THEY HAVE ever, ever been.
WE just never know, who in the crowd, standing beside US in line or passing US in the street, might be raised in spirit, or even lifted from despair, by the kindness in OUR glance or the comfort of OUR SMILES.
I KNOW WE could do something for someone today.
THEY WILL REMEMBER it for the rest of their LIVES.
What SOVEREIGNS rarely give themselves credit for, is that OUR giving continues giving, even after WE FORGET TO GIVE, and even when WE ARE NOT AWARE.
Everything matters but rarely for the reasons WE think.
You know, Elizabeth, it's only after umpte
SOVEREIGNS, OUR ONLY ISSUE IS with compromising, economizing, and settling for less.
Whether the bar has been lowered or raised.
WE ALL LIVE the life of OUR choosing.
In the end not that there really is an end.
It's ALL going to be about how much WE LOVE WHAT WE CHOOSE.
WE are the right BEING, this is the right time.
WE ALL HAVE paid OUR dues.
WE ARE ALL thinking the right thoughts.
WE ARE doing the right things.
AT this very moment.
WE ARE exactly where WE ARE supposed to be.
Poised for the greatest breakthrough WE have ever had.
One of life's great ironies, is that very often the "stuff" WE ARE trying to avoid right now is the same "stuff" WE ARE going to miss most once WE move on.
ITS OUR thoughts that happiness SPRINGS from.
No matter how long it takes, once it happens it'll seem as if time flew.
WE wonder how WE ever doubted OURSELVES.
WE feel like WE should have
Did you know that WE can interpret any and all of the past events of OUR LIVES as ones that have unfolded in OUR greatest favor?
WE ARE HERE to graduate into higher realms of existence, that’s where WE came from.
And back then WE could think of no adventure greater than falling in love with OURSELVES all over again, having new dreams, facing great challenges, with total amnesia of OUR magnificence SEEMS too easy.
OUR balance of wit, charm, and intelligence.
OUR measures of endurance, strength, and stamina.
OUR depths of sensitivity, passion, and leanings.
ALL were planned by YOU, so that WE ALL might go where WE have never been.
If WE ALL really knew how much WE were loved not only from "above," but by everyone now in OUR LIVES, there'd be little hearts drawn on everything from wheelbarrows to skyscrapers to jumbo jets.
As WE always have WE ARE going to find, again and
IT IS ALL ABOUT OUR happiness.
The path to enlightenment is not a path at all IT IS actually a metaphor for the time it takes for US to allow OURSELVES to be happy with who WE already are, where WE already are, and what WE already have no matter what.
WE ALL probably won't believe this, but WE ARE POWERFUL BEINGS when it comes to living OUR LIVES.
Insecurity AND FEAR is the greatest social piranha in OUR existence.
Yet remembering that no matter what anyone else thinks or does, WE can still choose OUR own thoughts, do OUR own things, and manifest OUR own happiness instantly makes US ALL BETTER.
WE ALL GET IT, politics, chaos, a polarized world.
WE ALL are powerful BEINGS when it comes to living OUR LIVES.
Don't give away this power waiting to see what happens to the rest of the world when WE can decide what will happen in OURS. Very simply the more WE accept responsibility for the power THE MORE WE HAVE.
Believe it or not of all the types of happy "yeehaa!" and "whoohooo!" that exist, the greatest are those derived from helping others because it’s what WE most wanted to do.
Especially when WE help OURSELVES along the way by choosing approaches that tickle US. It most certainly won't hurt if WE have fun, crank up the music, shake-shake-shake, and scarf a new career great relationship while WE ARE at it.
The more WE TRUST OUR INTUITION the stronger we become.
The stronger we become, the bigger we dream, the higher we fly, and the bluer the sky.
OUR degree of faith, OUR belief in benevolent powers, and OUR physical demonstrations that summon the FREQUENCIES either in huge gobs or in drips and drops.
In fact, maybe we could use OUR new career great relationship as we help others.
The greatest trick and most subtle secret to doing anything really, really well, is loving that WE get to do it at all.
When you say "me," "myself," or "I," do WE REMEMBER to think o
The top 10 things PASSED AWAY people want to tell living people are:
1. WE ARE not dead.
2. WE ARE sorry for any pain they caused.
3. There's no such thing as a devil or hell.
4. WE were ready to go when WE went.
5. YOU ARE not ready.
6. WE finally understand what WE were missing.
7. Nothing can prepare US for the beauty of the moment WE arrive.
8. Don't try to COMPREHEND this now, but life is exceedingly fair.
9. OUR pets are as crazy, brilliant, and loving here as WE were there.
10. Life really is all about love, LOVE who love YOU ARE.
If WE could actually stand in someone else's shoes, to hear what they hear, see what they see, and feel what they feel, WE would honestly wonder what planet DO WE live on and be totally blown away by how different their "reality" is from OUR OWN.
WE WOULD NEVER be quick to judge again.
OUR sheer resilience in the face of defeat, courage in the face of fear, and determination in the face of temptation have humbled the s
What if,
Every "no" meant "not yet"?
Every loss meant "even more is on the way"?
And every disappointment meant "pucker up, buttercup"?
When WE COMPREHEND why something really hurts it stops hurting.
When WE COMPREHEND, WE have options, WE take action.
WHEN WE get that no one can ever stop US from loving more.
WE feel the love WE had earlier denied.
OUR dreams are like postcards from OUR future SELVES, revealing what already exists in another time and space.
If THESE DREAMS find US in the past.
WE can find them in the present.
WE ARE simply the best.
How WE hold together under pressure.
How WE face up to your challenges.
OUR rebound ability totally rocks.
WE ARE ALL driven, persistent, and strong.
WE ARE Playful, silly, fun.
WE ARE Compassionate, sympathetic, understanding.
WE ARE ALL just plain unstoppable.
WE always have time for others.
How 'bout cutting OURSELVES some sla
By all means, SOVEREIGNS, quantum physics totally rocks.
Just don't let its search for the unifying equation of the cosmos distract you from using it.
WE needn't know trigonometry to use chopsticks.
Gravity was gravity long before Newton.
BETWEEN now and the time they reveal their little THEORIES.
OUR thoughts will unceasingly become things.
THE entire world spins in the palm of OUR HANDS.
Which sounds like FUN!
WE ARE Being showered with miracles.
WE ARE being showered with miracles because WE ALL dared, stretched, went out on a limb, raised the bar, threw down the gauntlet, faced OUR fears, and grew into more than WE ever knew WE could be.
It's truly a sight to see when ALL OF US of THIS planetary SYSTEM cross the tipping point and begin to individually accept complete and eternal responsibility for OUR own happiness.
THIS hardly compares to the mountain-quaking, body-shaking, polarity-flipping, hero-making occurrences that transpire when WE ALL graduat