The majority of people who voted for Biden are NOT waking up! They believe the same lies and narrative they have been fed their whole lives. Example I posted the video of mother having to pay $500 for insulin with coupons. FB person responded by saying it wasn't Biden's fault and we need universal healthcare! I can't deal with these Fooking idiots anymore! You can't even try to tell them anything because they are so brainwashed and they have every resource available to fact check you!
I am having the same problem, it's so frustrating. I have a family member that loves to go onto Facebook and put down Trump supporters, call them ignorant, uneducated and in a cult. I have tried so many times to tell him that more than half of his family are Trump supporters and that when he does this he is also putting us down, because we can all see his comments. He just doesn't get it, just keeps on doing it. I just can't understand some peoples thought process and that they really don't care that conservatives are being targeted with censorship and violence.

There is really no point in trying to talk to them! I am only on FB at this point to share things with groups I am in that support Trump. It's just frustrating