🇺🇸 DanUSCG reposted JoeM @ General_JoeM
“What if I told you there are real humans with a Soul on Earth
& there are humanoids without souls on Earth”
😻 I’d believe him.
As I understand it, the jab was designed to steal the soul
& once the soul was gone
the deep state monsters placed a demon inside the body
& stuffed the soul into a clone [they can do that 🙀]
I further understand that there are more clones on Earth
than God-Created-Divine Human Beings…… BILLIONS.
@ qthestormrider777
No REAL President fighting against the deep state
is in public making any appearance since the last 3 years.
GWB →4 body doubles
Bill Clinton →2
SEVERAL president across the world have doubles
*3 years ago I shared information that
45 was safe inside Cheyenne mountains 🙏🏻❤️
We are inside a time of powerful military weapons
as _small mini directed energy weapons
is used for killing without notice...
( the CIA has created better MASKS than Hollywood)