Key element: destruction of the middle class, so, we become 2 classes, slaves and the rich.
By removing the middle class, there is no stepping stone a poor person can use to become rich, the rich isolate their class, and prevent anyone not born into it from gaining access... this prevents their mind set from being diluted with new ideas, or, new opinions.
The overseer class will be as poor as those they beat down, but, they will be allowed 'privileges like time off, better medical, or slightly nicer housing. But, like the slave class, they will never be allowed to accrue wealth of any kind, because the rich will never allow that to happen now.
They tested what would happen if they allowed the slaves to gain wealth, by allowing them to accrue wealth and power, and it threatened their positions. They will not do that ever again.
We are in the process of returning to ancient Egypt - the rich, and the slaves.