🇺🇸 Fletch17
@ 17ThankQ
He knows
We know
The world knows 🎥🍿👇
🇰🇵 Kim Jong Un
“North Korea says Ukrainian President Zelensky is an actor
who plays his role well in the US-written screenplay.” 🎭🎞
🇺🇸 Gene Decode
[They] wanted to terraform us & the Earth itself
This Musk is not the Musk before.
That’s not the same Putin who was in the KGB.
We still have the original Trump in Cheyenne Mt.
We don’t see HIM coming out.
Cheyenne has a Telsa/Trump Time machine
so it’s a Temporal war too.
& people think I’m woo woo [laughing] 😹

Take out the cloning centers.

👊 Good idea. Get rid of the cloning factory.
But you still have the
already-made-clones walking around 🙀
I'm wondering, when this war is finished,
how many will turn out to have been clones?
How many actual "Humans" are there?
Do we even know?
So many questions.
Can't wait for the TRUTH 🇺🇸🪖

I love my Lord and Savior and my family. Nature and animals are my happy space. People who make me laugh!
Palmer chocolate sucked. Glad I never purchased any. Sick evil beings.

PhD -Aberdeen, UK 2012, Early Modern Scottish/British History; Research Historian; Mom of Lauren & Patrick, Wife of Ted; ULTRA MAGA Patriot
Ted & I were just saying last night that we don't trust hardly any food we buy except for at the farmer's markets and even then do we know what sort of fertilizers and such they use? We really only trust what we grow ourselves now and thankfully, we have a large garden.
We still have some beans, peppers, tomatillos and okra frozen from last year and still have about 10 jars of tomatoes we canned.
Thank GOD both sets of my grandparents were amazing farmers that I learned how to do this from...

🥬🍒 You're incredibly lucky, Cheryl.
I agree with you & your husband —
I don't trust ANY FOOD
packaged, canned, bottled, 'organic,' nuts,
frozen, fast food, supermarket, fruit, veg —
ANY FOOD the deep state demons
have put their poisons on which is
pretty much EVERYTHING 🤬
Think eating out of your own garden is BRILLIANT.
Wish I could do that.
🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider posted that
White Hats have removed 1000s of TONS
of fertilizer put in by demons
& destroyed MANY meat/food factories
as D.U.M.B.S were underneath them
full of children & poisons.
The 'meat' people think is animals
is not 😔 I'll just leave it there 💔
Articles are coming out EVERY DAY
about poisoned food, water, etc.
I stick to food from Farmers I know
& local bakeries
& only drink water
from the distiller in my kitchen sink.
Best we can do right now 🙏🏻😻🇺🇸🪖🕊
There are small-scale garden options for people in condos, and larger setups for those with a house on a small lot.
🌱 Hydroponic Tower - perfect for people who love salad and fresh herbs. I have one inside set up w/ vertical grow lights on pvc poles; easy-peasy & no bugs! ❤️ It!!! (+/- $500 all materials)
🌱 Self-Watering Raised Beds - Simple design; build one or multiples to connect together. No bending, no ground pests or moles, no daily watering. Reservoir in base allows plants to draw up the water they need. (+/- $100 per bed)
🌱 Grow in plastic bottles, bins, or gutters; hang on fence or wall, or set up on ground. Even grow potatoes! This man is a wealth of information (as one of his commenters said, he could feed the world). Easy to follow demonstrations. https://youtube.com/@TEOGarden?feature=shared
🔴 If anyone wants materials lists and/or detailed drawings or photos, let me know & I'll post them for you.

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
That link came directly from youtube, don't know why the link is broken 😶
Here's a link to one of his videos, then you can click his channel name from there --