Add fenbendazole.org for info and testimonials
I know people dying of cancer and they don’t see. what do they have to lose by trying this. They are all about doctors, humans with a title. I can’t do a damn thing. I’m a cancer survivor because I looked outside of BIG PHARA MURDERERS. Nobody sends me home but God.

With you...younger sister died less than a year ago..
Her twin a nurse oversaw "PAIN DRUGS" ... she had been addicted to alcohol got dry but never addressed what the issues were.
Surviving twin said she passed peacefully...OF COURSE DID-SHE WAS Out of it. The whole thing is sad...they don't talk to me..I cause them to think outside the box.
I have always been an outsider...I don't but the family lie nor politically correct lie.
🙈🙉🙊 💨 TRUTH is still true..weather I like it or not.
Noticed though we were 13 1/2 months apart their school curriculum was NOT AS MINE!
Realized years ago that made such a difference.

So sorry about your sister. It’s a shame she probably could’ve been cured had she advocated for herself. I’m the black sheep to always have been always will be. I guess we were meant to be to earn the knowledge we now have.

Having same trouble here... almost like they WANT the victim card