Hello everyone... Still here and working on something very interesting to say the least. So.... I may have new juicy bits of Truthanista mayhem soon! Seem I may have stumbled onto something that once exposed may sour a lot of tummies... if not cause a fare share of questions to arise.
Will you be here when I expose it? I guess we shall see.
Again. Wake~Up...Wise~Up...Rise~Up!
Praemonitus Praemunitus
W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7
I'm looking for a few serious researchers for this discovery... I think this is a really deep one.
Once let "in" I only ask one thing. Everything is kept hush until all the information that can be found... has been found.
Message me if interested...
Time to Wake~Up...Wise~Up...and Rise up!
Praemonitus Praemunitus
W1K1P03T|Vox Box-Host|Constitutional Conservative Christian|Minister of Light+|Night-Watcher|Lamppost|Praemonitus Praemunitus|1Q7
No help means no interest. Though by now it is kinda moot seeing everyone will know soon if they don't already.
All I will say is prepare yourselves... this ride is about to get rough. And if you are between 18 and 26... dissappear... You've been drafted.
Got suspended from Twitter....looking for a new site and my friends....
Yes, keep me posted........