The foundation of this war is in the rejection of divine will, and perversion of divine masculine and feminine archetypes. The only way to peace is to resolve this by accepting grace so we may change personally.
The case for a graceful awakening - by Martin Geddes
The way out of our collective legalistic mess has to be a spiritual reconciliation
Thank you for your obedience, Martin. This is a much needed explanation for those who are sitting on the cusp. The message has been given to different people who are on different platforms and at different points in their journeys, with different views of their particular facet. I hope that you run across some of them. Not to critique your process, but to affirm your conclusions and to open up new facets for better understanding. Unfortunately, that leads to new rabbit trails, so I won’t suggest any. 😉 I trust that you will find them on your own.
Well done. Keep going.