They knew.
We didn’t know.
They knew we didn’t know.
We didn’t know we didn’t know.
Then we saw things we knew were new to know.
Now we know we didn’t know what we thought we knew.
They know we know they knew we didn’t know, and do know now.
We know they didn’t know that we would know that they knew when we didn’t.
Knowing what we now now scares them.
We know they are scared of our knowing.
They know we know they are scared.
That’s even scarier, you know.
And you know what’s good to know?
The best is yet to come.
And we all know it.
Even them.
I know.
—The Great Awakening
Good to know.
Good to know you, Martin.
Good to know Anons.
Good to know Anons know Martin.
Be it known.

Child of God, mother of two, retired R.N. Proud to be an American! God bless the USA!
.....and so it is.....known! The awake are awakening the unwake and working on the unwakeable.