I feel like I want my life back again.
- No more pointless legal fights against corrupt institutions that suck away my energy
- Can focus on learning about the world I want to build, not how the old one was broken
- Time to research and think, deep dive into philosophy, occult, theology, law, psychology
- Able to run an art business as livelihood and hobby without worrying if the world is going to fall apart
- Stop the bombardment of people who have found a video on the Internet and somehow imagine sending me the link is going to improve the lot of humanity.
- Headspace to rebuild some of the basic routines in my life for fitness, diet, healing
- Time and resources to go see interesting people and get experiences from a wider circle
- Close the loop on some of my older work by packaging up essays into books, curate photos into exhibits

It's amazing we're alive at all, I know. Still, has been a long time at the very far front of this public information war.

Only people mentioned by @martingeddes in this post can reply

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

martin. we have all lost.. those who i thought were friends dont know what to say to me nor i to them. i feel i am on a different time line than them. they are still in the third dimension.. so your not alone. they are all still thinking their book learned theory and it is right and true... you are far more spiritual in your attention. kind and quite an interesting person. (smart too) i was in another group where you were. dont remember the name but always enjoyed your comments and then you were gone.. i missed you. glad i found you here... the difference? you think with your heart and soul all within you... they ask what did that book say.. you are different now and as an intuitive i sense you are where you are now for a reason. dwell on the positives not what was but what will be... notice i didnt say "can be" as anything now is possible.. what a beautiful world is ahead of us all.. i just hope i will be on earth long enough to see it happen.. God bless..

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Martin...something occurs to me...and I might be completely off base. "They" have been keeping you very busy haven't "they"? Busy chasing due process and righteous legal truth and accountability for them. Perhaps it IS time to jump off the wheel that they keep you spinning on. It's a completely rigged system right now. Perhaps God is whispering in your ear to pursue your JOY? You've been running hard and fast on that wheel and perhaps it's time to allow God to move those mountains. I say that out of concern for you...and as I said....maybe I'm off base. I'm nobody...but I have followed your journey and have been amazed at your tenacity and fearlessness. Blessings to you whatever you decide to do!

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Blessings to you!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Thank you for this, Martin! You speak what we feel!
We are very blessed that you are here, and know we love you! o7

"Just" a Housewife Sorry i don't answer DMs

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

just do it, Martin.
put that ruminating into some art
i'm trying also

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Beautifully said. I can feel it too

I got a man. Not here to date. No DM’s. Sad that I even need to write this.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Just when I swear that I will stay silent. In walks Martin.
To understand what is going on now. We must understand what happened In Babel. We must understand the difference between The One True and Living God in Heaven and the Elohim, the divine council, the rulers of the principalities and dark forces and their need for a common language in order to unify the ruling of the world into one system in order to build a new tower to Heaven and unseat God from His throne. If we can understand that the current language of commerce is English, we can begin to understand how English speakers have been used to propel their agenda forward and why they attack those countries people so fiercely. They need to discredit them in order to destroy them and keep from being found out.
This is an age old battle that is between the elohim and God. We don’t fight it. We just decide which side of the line we are on.

(...)"Whom ever is navigating these storms and waters with us, we are aboard, and on deck, because alas~ WWG1WGA" ~R

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

The enemy wants us to come after them in the mirrored room of haunted fallen wisdom and structure made to trap, defleet, separate...and wear us out inside the tesseract
The legal system can only work if your [aboard]
In norway there isnt a lawyer thats not a free Maison
Even the ladies
Wins towards we The people Are used to gatekeep their corruption so they can point and say look.. justice
We Are dead by law in this bios and
in spirit
cosmic traitor soulsnatchers they are
Fallen mortals we be
weaponized,victimized into a contract of cause and effect a very bad deal
We r their lifesource yet they hate us and Are very jelly on moleculare and cosmic levels
They once had God, beauty, bug free code so to speak+indenial of how far they fell and harbor spaces that lack conciousness and creates evil and project it all upon humanity and tells us "thats humanity, hate your self
When we surrender all our battles to God in Jesus'name is when we win on this timeline

"Just" a Housewife Sorry i don't answer DMs

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

I feel the same all the time.
Maybe you need to relax and recharge just a bit.