Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
No coincidence
Girlfriend has son that became autistic after child vax. Another acquaintance both her twin boys did as well...
Like Jab ...people will go after these demons and leave them penniless.
Yet friend took jab!
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
🤦 I just don't understand some people. Something as serious as their child -- THEIR CHILD -- being vaxx injured, and they just accept it as fate or whatever. Where is their FIGHT for their child??
There's a lady named Kerri Rivera that has had great success in CURING autism; over 130 children she has treated are now symptom free. She does it by changing their diets (no sugar), and gives them food grade diatomaceous earth and MMS (the 'bleach' that the media ridiculed Trump over). Just so happens it's extremely effective. And isn't it interesting that THAT protocol is also antiparasitic? 🧐 As a matter of fact, Kerri said that in every instance of using this protocol, the child passed worms, some as long as 2 ft.
I am aware of Kerri and clean diet....the friend as well as acquaintance with twins did the diet...without success...
I have been studying Nutrition and supplements for many many years. Have found "Clean" is not the same for all as well as "NATURAL" or "HEALTHY" it is relative to what life and choice brings you to. Same friend not uses pharmacy for skin issues. It is as if she gave up. When I asked her about son and jab...(Who has a heart they say) ... as getting his jab she said oh I wonder how it will affect his heart being jabbed.
I think they must think persevere and go home to God. Like all this isn't part of the battle.
I can't say for sure..I don't share their view...God opened my eyes over time...I know He directs my path. These others...well I realize they have been choosing a different path for some time then mine...When you stand up for the truth..your not so popular to those who don't want to make waves.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
We're def not popular at all 😄
I have noticed when God is at work, person is often not so nice! The Holy Spirit is working and people are not so sure what is going on.
Even believers.
Darkness hates the light.