They admitted it pre net FK YES> that is it. DO NOT LET DEVILS put poisons in you or yours.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
This guy is an absolute Jackass.
The Nazi idiot mentality ... GIVE HIM ALL THE JABS!...little PISSANT!
I find their willfull arrogance putridly disgusting.
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY...He is NO Dr or Biologist... They act on behalf OF HUMANITY.
I first saw this a few years ago..it disgusts me MORE NOW! It is willful EVIL.
Guess it takes time to realize this is ALL INTENTIONAL!
Yes, they make millions however, the Cabal has been trying to kill us for decades if not longer.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
No coincidence
Girlfriend has son that became autistic after child vax. Another acquaintance both her twin boys did as well...
Like Jab ...people will go after these demons and leave them penniless.
Yet friend took jab!
Thank you...he's on utube.