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You can see that meme is the finger pointing back at its self?
Its antagonistic.. you just brought the energy of antagonism here... randomly
Im here for the data i can use to take down criminals locally to end child trafficking... Not for lifeskills advice...
IMaigne we are in an office working and then someone keeps popping their head in with this kind of comment? In the end you would say... ?
Welll. I wont say what I would say to them... but a plict person might ask them if they could stp so you and your team can remain focused on the job in hand...
Thats how I feel...
SO much random projectionist advice..
And you are basically saying 'if you disagree with me you are the problem''.. but you are also BLURTING it out when others are trying to work on a serious matter... some even saving their own children...
WHo gives a shit about this sort of crap when we have such a task in our hands?
Not me thats for sure...

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
No, that's not what I get out of that advice at all.