Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Who else sleeps with a Gun under their pillow?

A Father, A Son, A Patriot! WWG1WGA. America is Changing. Patriots in control.

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
I don't suspend people. Users suspend people. He got 11 Fooks. We have a Zero Porn policy. That includes Hunter fooking Obama's kid. It was too graphic. I deleted that picture and unsuspended him.@XAnon needs to keep it a bit cleaner. I get he was trying to raise awareness but it was too much.
I understand that there is going to be ALOT of ugly coming out. However, we can't preach SAVE THE CHILDREN and then exploit them ourselves? These kids are going to need some semblance of DIGNITY once they've been freed from the lives they've literally been brought into this world for. Being passed around by these psycopaths. WE have to be BETTER. We CAN find a way to expose without bashing and shaming the CHILDREN that are involved. We have to.