I see people still mad at Trump for saying anything positive about the vaxs. But most true followers had no trouble reading between the lines.

PATRIOTS help fight fake news... PLEASE SEND & SHARE MEMEs HERE!!!


US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!

Working to stay on the good path in a good way. #SaveTheChildren. I love God the Creator, Source of all, be positive my frens and manifest.
That line on vaxs n warp speed was acceptable for 2+ years, but now?
We have people dying...
How do Anons operate against a false narrative from Trump?
How do folks assimilate that narrative with DS med being evil?
If I'm vilified for critizing Trump, so be it. I could never be a "true follower" except of God.

Been here since 2021, Dad, 24yr Marine! Grandmother, love President Trump! May God Bless Us All, WWG1WGA! Virginia is home! Love Sewing!
Trump did not force anyone to take anything, he told people they had free will to do what they wanted. Everything we do is about choices, choices people make are their own!

* Married Patriot * NRA Instructor * NRA Range Safety Officer * LE security instructor * Conservative * Christian * I back the Blue & Trump

* Married Patriot * NRA Instructor * NRA Range Safety Officer * LE security instructor * Conservative * Christian * I back the Blue & Trump

My name is Tone . Patriot. Knots a bit with the language -but clearly we communicate when there is A ❤️💯%
in March 2020 when I saw the look President Trump gave Fauci ... I knew something was wrong. (the art of reading between the lines) And authorities worldwide pushing new syringes, masks.. shutdown. Swine, bird flu suddenly turned into another shot... Well, I'm the black sheep.. always tried to give family, relatives, neighbors and friends information.. get them to investigate. They chose let the authorities think for themselves splashed in 1,2,3 ... Still I am the culprit and they say Trump is a tyrant, they are scared now and angry. But does not see own responsibility and choice taken. I know they have to now.
Search and find like-minded people around the world to keep courage and strength up.

Most don't read between the lines. These people feel they were deceived since they do get their information from the news.

I was misdiagnosed with Parkinson’s, then MS, then told it was Lupus, so they put me on, Hydroxychloroquine and steroids..after three months steroids kept taking the HCQ..
when trump said that live on TV my husband said you have some! I did, as I got suspicious my diagnosis was not right, I had quit taking but resumed refills. Glad I did. Four years in.. healthy never sick. People we know took vax, 3,4,5 times with Covid. I know it works!! Was t lupus, Dystonia caused by nerve damage from dentist… Mayo Clinic, reset my brain waves in 2019. Said the messaging had been interrupted…wait for it… similar to the Cuban embassy Havana syndrome. Yep..that’s exactly what they told me and my husband. If someone specifically targeted me? Why? Anon? I was uncovering and proved my uncle shot my grandmother was MKUltra acid for assassination project. Let’s go!!!! I’m ready!!

That is an awesome testimony!

Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Equal opportunity offender. I don't worship any party or person.
They already know it's the cure. New studies are just a way to steal more money