Right now, I just want to be able to live peacefully in my own home and travel freely without authorities trying to steal what little material possessions I have. Entities like DVLA, Transport for London, and municipal councils are irredeemably corrupt. So many people are suffering terribly from the mafia who are running everything. We all know awful stories of criminality by men in uniforms, who somehow believe that government edict trumps all law and morality. It's all a nothingness in comparison to the hideous stuff that's hinted at elsewhere and underground, and it still hurts to see the rape of your country. As a super-empath autist I'm finding myself very variable right now. Some days I can fight furiously, others I am close to immobile. The PTSD of anons is real. The ongoing injustices and incursions from the state keep causing trauma wounds. None of these institutions are legitimate after Covid. It all has to be razed and rebuilt. It can't be rushed, either.
I just don’t see how the ‘enforcers’ of the current system are going to function once they understand truly they have been the minions of the enemies of humanity.
If they haven’t had a spiritual awakening heretofore now…anyone believe they are going to survive the impending dissolution of their MKUltraish reality?
The implosion of these enforcers of the Matrix is to be pitied. Most WERE once whole humans….they simply ended up caught in the mother of all webs & sucked dry of their humanity.