How crazy I thought diamonds were votes, then money, stolen gold. I now wonder if the diamonds, are “diamonds” and were made from human remains in Israel? Missing children.
Any hints???
Mission Number One Priority
The Kids
That message and 7 more I posted not mine
Their from your VP JFK Jnr he asked me too share -- brought tears to my eyes read all 7

Got it! The kids ❤️❤️❤️ Beautiful day here and I’ve been out gallivanting, going in sun with dogs to play! Thank you, I’ll read and catch up after my vitamin D absorption!!
VP Kennedy! 😎😎😎
I fly the trump Kennedy flag in front of my house!!!!
I just don’t understand how I’m able to see what I “see” the information comes to me,then I look it up retrospectively!!
You’ve answered a lot of my questions today. I thank you sincerely for that!! ❤️❤️❤️