Today is a great day to restock on emergency supplies. It's always wise to be ready for emergencies. Up to 30 days worth if you can.
Dry & non-perishable food (don't have to be expensive think rice & beans), bottled water, meds & pet food. Whatever you think you might need. Perhaps a power generator + heavy extension cords (always run outdoors) and spare fuel for that an your vehicle (safely, properly stored). Fill those BBQ propane tanks to cook, boil H2O. Flashlights, batteries and emerg. lights (cheap solar landscape lights work, too). Got camping gear? Perhaps a CB or HAM Radio (CBs available at your local truck stop, complete for around $300). Your preferred form of Self-Defense and plenty of it, always at the ready. HAVE A PLAN to get loved ones together if comms go down. Know where loved ones are at all times. Be ready to grab kids from school, care for the elderly in home. What would you grab & carry in the event of an evacuation? Help others. BE PREPARED, NOT SCARED.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣