The orders came from the highest office in the land.

RN. Grateful. TEAM Q. PATRIOT. Vintage clothing and antique aficionado.
Grateful. MSM has to be addressed. The LIBERALS in Upstate NY (many of whom have grown moderately wealthy from being good little minions) still have that to underscore in their own mind (and to others) that THEY are RIGHT and TEAM Q are a bunch of loonies.... I sat next to one getting my car repaired recently. I just quietly put my headphones back on.... They won't RESEARCH. They think they are already informed.

Heard lots of them primary msm have tunnels and shit under them and they do in hidden areas, etc PROLLY in the main areas also, SNUFF FILMS> don't forget them alpha beta waves and black masking...etc. SMART METERS smart boxes etc all works with chemtrail smart dust. LOSER DEMONS made it.

RN. Grateful. TEAM Q. PATRIOT. Vintage clothing and antique aficionado.
This guy was not a creepy loser that would eat kids etc.... Just a brainwashed dude.... His take was that China burning coal was the reason for global warming. You have to know when to fold 'em....
Trump fkn rocks.