One of our rescue pups has a tumor on his leg that has tested positive for cancer. The location makes removal surgery difficult and potentially dangerous.
Anyone have any protocol for treating such a situation for dogs? It's our oldest and dearest rescue dog and we need him to stay with us as long as possible.
Please help if you can provide any info.
Re-post if you can so we can get this out there. Thank you all.

Pro Life Conservative Christian. Happy Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Lifelong Warrior. WWG1WGA Honored that I was followed by Gen Flynn.
We have a 14yo rescue who developed Mast Cell cancer several years ago. She had surgery but we were told it would probably reoccur, and it did. We decided no more surgery. I found this retired vet's video and started her on Fenbendazole 222mg/day. After a month she was not improving. I was afraid she would die any day. I decided to add Ivermectin 1% injectable (not injected but added to her food). She weighed 60lbs and I gave her twice the dosage for heartworms. There are 10mg in each CC of the liquid. On the second day of Fenben+Ivermectin she showed a MARKED improvement. She was walking steadily and able to go up and down the 2 steps on our front door. She has continued to strengthen and has lost about 15lbs. She actually frolics to the door when my husband comes home from work. I don't know how long she will live, but I pray for her every day and thank GOD for her improvement. The video is of a Canadian veterinarian who gave up his lic
Got cut off. This vet gave up his license after being threatened for recommending natural treatments. Another suggestion is get your dogs off commercial dry kibble. It is made from downed, dead or dying animals. Often containing the drugs used to kill the animals. Plus nasty seed oils. Cook eggs, beef or chicken and a vegetable like broccoli or green beans. Best wishes to you and your buddies.

Pro Life Conservative Christian. Happy Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Lifelong Warrior. WWG1WGA Honored that I was followed by Gen Flynn.
Not promoting this man's advertisements. I use fenben capsules bought on Amazon and 1% ivermectin from Tractor supply. Comes in a 50ml glass bottle.

If you are on FB, (although there might be some YouTube videos), check out Vera Anderson's "Tagamet/Benadryl Cancer Remission Protocol for Dogs-Vera Anderson"
My neighbor's son has used it on one of his dogs, and Vera, herself, has been treating herself with the protocol as she had been diagnosed with a tumor. There are lots of success stories on the FB page.
Tagamet/Cimetidine, was original developed in Europe as a cancer drug. One of its side effects was it also acted as an antacid, . . .