😻 One of my oldest friends died from Cancer last November.
Another has cancer in his lungs
& his pup died from Cancer just after Christmas.
Another friend’s pup is struggling with Cancer.
Another friend “got” Cancer suddenly.
What is not being reported is not only is Cancer rising in Humans
but also in animals, especially dogs:
The owners get the jab & their shedding kills their pup
& shedding from the jabs is in every dog park
& they pick it up in their noses & paws 🐾
3-31-23 “Cancer is increasingly common in dogs
& disturbingly, canine cancers are occurring at younger ages.”
- Dr. Barbara Hodges, Vet
I pleaded with my friends NOT to get the jab or the booster
& told them about Ivermectin & HCQ.
To no avail 😔
💥 IVERMECTIN can help even if you've been jabbed
or have cancer as I understand it.
🐾 Ivermectin & Animals

Ivermectin works because it kill the parasites in our body and cancer is caused by parasite. Of course doctors don’t want to tell you that because cancer is a money making disease.

Hate corruption and greed. Expose it all and end it
Vitamin B17
Attacks and kills cancer cells
That’s why it’s illegal in the US,Canada, the UK and Australia
Not Mexico though
That’s why the have such a low cancer rate
Well if the Fed, SCOTUS and the State ALL BAN Leatril, YOU KNOW IT WORKS !!!

Hate corruption and greed. Expose it all and end it
Friend went to Tijuana in 2018
Doctors here gave him six months to live
He went there for 5 weeks
Chelation therapy
Hydrogen peroxide therapy
Vitamin C drip and LAETRILE
Talked to him a couple of weeks ago
cancer free and working full time as a construction superintendent