🇺🇸 2-14-24 JUAN O SAVIN
9-11 had to be branded into the soul of America
so when the event happened
they came to certain conclusions about it.
It was in Hollywood, the 9-11 phone system →EMERGENCY
the currency with Tower talismans.
It sounds crazy but these are VERY SOPHISTICATED OPERATIONS
to create ILLUSIONS
because the people behind them are WIZARDS
The true birth date of Christ is 9-11-3 BC
so that 9-11 date needs to be vilified from a demonic perspective
from the devil’s perspective.
You can say, “No it was Spring”
but within the bloodline cults that we’re fighting
THEY have determined, THEY know, THEY believe
that the true birth date of Christ is 9-11-3 BC.
That's why they chose THAT date.
IT’S THEIR RELIGION. That’s how THEY think 💥
w/Kelli Ann Hub Pt 2
👇 @ The17Letter 9-11 on $s

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
The site below contains some very specific and factual evidence of the real birthday of Jesus Christ. I never saw this coming before AU in the past couple of years. It is mind boggling how Satan and his demons have MK mind controlled so many humans. I am researching this more just so I can have better comprehension of what is real truth.
When Was Jesus Christ Born? The Bible Says September 11, 3BC-The Day of the Feast of Trumpets - Goodness Of God MinistriesGoodness Of God Ministries
The birth of Jesus Christ is the one of the most significant events in all of history and when we understand the truths regarding the true date of his birth it will thrill and inspire your heart. Tradition has made … Continue reading →
😻 107 also believes 9-11
is the correct birthdate, Brandy 🕊
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
In the unholy city of WA DC
9-11, in the ancient understanding
is the true birthdate of Christ.
Jesus the Messiah was born on 9-11-3 B.C.
& there were signs in the Heavens,
Virgo giving birth at that time.
9-11 in modern times
was an occult ritual at a very precise time
where all the # 's had to match.
Could 9-11 have happened on 9-10? No.
On 9-12? No.
If it happened [on another day]
it wouldn’t have had the magic
the ritual branding
to give it the power & strength
THEY wanted it to have.
Look at David Rockefeller's Newsweek article.
[Before he even built the Towers
his watch was set @ 9:11]
On Catholic church buildings carved in stone
is IXXI = 9-11 the birthdate of Christ.
They wanted to damage this date symbolically.
inside the cults..
the devil demons can’t stand
to have that date ever honored.
For THEM it’s a perpetual horror date something evil 🙏
I researched when the Roman's collected their taxes....it was in the first week of April.

So you're thinking conception on 9-11?
That's interesting, Suzy B 🤔
WHENEVER Jesus was born
thank God he was!! Love him so much 🙏🩵🕊️

Trump is still my President. Truth will prevail.
Yes, when he was actually born