I have a technology Question ?
Cheap skate but my version of Microsoft Office is yes 2007
I designed all the invoices for my new company today using 2007 Publisher
So i have an issue sending this form to my clients they may not be able too open !
I know I can download them as PDF then Send
Open Question anyone have an easier way of doing this or any help
Don`t be a cheap skate is prob not one
thanks Rob
Carbon based breather of air. Keeper of candles and minder of bridges. Coauthor of War!Sing
I love it!
I run Win7 because graphic software I use and own network licenses for are only available online now, it is like high way robbery.
I set up invoices with Excel and then convert to PDF. This is helpful for my business, it does all the math for me.
Cheers thanks excel seems to be universal