As someone who has been trying to get everyone on board the Putin/Russia train for years, I am euphoric right now.
Because I know what’s about to happen to the people who watch the interview. Because the same thing happened to me.
The first time I heard Putin speak, he sounded very reasonable. He believes in traditional family values. He believes Western society is a failing cesspool of perversion and gender insanity. He is right.
He is sharp, intelligent, direct, no-nonsense, and he’s not afraid to call out Globalism, corruption, widespread pedophilia, satanism, bioweapon production, etc. Objectively, he is far more impressive than any politician we have in America, which is currently a complete circus.

Just a patriot who is holding the line and waiting somewhat patiently!
Pretty much everything we knew about Russia while growing up was told to us by the same people who overthrew the Russian govt. and turned Russia into a totalitarian state. Russia went from a majority Christian nation to one where Christianity and other religions were outlawed by a godless and heartless regime that murdered millions of its own citizens (mostly by starvation). Kinda sounds like what those same people are trying to do to the world today. I say let 'ZEM eat 'ze bugs.

If Putin was an American, we would hail him as an American patriot.