Seeing a lot of doubters in here. I think you are on the wrong social media site.
Raising doubt because you have come upon inconsistencies, is understandable. I think at some
Point, we all have. Not one person can shed light on the actualities taking place today, nor yesterday.
Perhaps asking your questions, would be better served on say, X? We are bound by God, merely trying to stay afloat, having learned all that we have. Coming in here casting doubt on PDJT is moot. Until we fit the puzzle pieces together, you bloodying the waters, only leaves a bad taste in our mouths. This is our House, under the Lord’s veil. If you have nothing nice to say..Say nothing. πŸ™‚ God bless yas πŸ™

Only people mentioned by @Jody in this post can reply

🌟Spirit Within Guides, Truth Seeking Patriot β™₯οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ I Love Jesus Christ, family, πŸ’ž 🐾 🐾 Friends 🐸 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ✝️ 🌟Re-igniting light Within.

In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

πŸ’₯ Today, you have a choice:

- Watch the Putin interview, and entertain NEW realities you’ve never thought possible

- Don’t watch the Putin interview, and remain blind to the truth that our government has desperately tried to suppress

The choice is yours... πŸ‘€ 🌟

Judy: BIG announcements were expected to come out of a meeting between President Putin, President Trump and Tucker Carlson in Moscow on Thurs. 8 Feb. including ending the war in Ukraine. They were also expected to discuss a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed world currencies in the making. It was learned today that Texas and 24 states have applied to join the BRICS Alliance for the GCR. Because of activation of that GCR the privately owned by the Cabal Bankers Federal Reserve and IRS are scheduled to shut down in March 2024 & the US would convert to a flat sales tax on new items only. 🌟 READ MORE > COMME

🌟Spirit Within Guides, Truth Seeking Patriot β™₯οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ I Love Jesus Christ, family, πŸ’ž 🐾 🐾 Friends 🐸 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ✝️ 🌟Re-igniting light Within.

In response Margical ONE to her Publication

2 pages from Operation Disclosure - 2/8/2024

🌟 White Hat Intel 🌟

Texas and 24 US States Lead the Charge: Joining BRICS Alliance in Embracing Quantum Financial System (QFS) Backed by Gold!

In a bold move that has sent shockwaves through the global financial establishment, Texas, along with 24 other US states, is spearheading a monumental shift by applying for membership in the BRICS Alliance. This historic decision signifies a resounding endorsement of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a cutting-edge platform backed by gold, poised to revolutionize the way we perceive and conduct financial transactions.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins πŸ™

In response Margical ONE to her Publication

Thank you Margical One, unfortunately I’m awaiting the aired piece. I have zero access to X. I’m chewing all my nails off waiting. πŸ™πŸ₯°

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In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

Free thinkers is a good thing. everything needs to be questioned. Me personally, i dont do hero worship.

In response Jones 5.56 FMJ to his Publication

Perhaps Critical Thinking leads more
of us to
Free Thinking….
Faith in God has kept me strong.
If I have a hero,
that would be cool.❀️

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Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People

In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

yah, riiiiight.....

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins πŸ™

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication


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In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

So tell me, what does that mean for someone like me who is searching for the truth and has NO affiliation to either Trump or Biden?

For the simple fact I have never voted in my life.

ALL politicians duly "picked" for their "allegiance" to the "CORPORATION".

The CORPORATION, the one which directly emanates from the Vatican even to this day.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins πŸ™

In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

I have zero answers to what is truth. We have all done thousands of hours of research. I can tell you this…
For many years before 2019, absolutely nothing made sense! I felt nothing but evil all around, if that makes any sense. Between covid and everything that surrounded it, things got worst. I went looking for answers out of fear, fear for my kids. I started to find likeminded people. I watched daily covid updates, via Trump ( who I really didn’t care for btw) My demeanour started to calm. I listened to what he said. I went looking for anything that validated what he conveyed. I’d be the last to say that he is perfect, far from. I’m still standing in the background, piecing it altogether. One thing I know for sure, God’s voice inside, guides me. I’m going to give this man a chance, so far, he’s been right. I hope you find the answers you need. No matter the outcome, you have choice. It’s the one thing we own. God bless you, I hope you find your answers. πŸ™

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.

In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

Based on his words and actions I trust President Trump. He is draining The Swamp and transferring power from Washington DC and giving it back to We the People where it belongs. Promises made, promises kept.

Matthew 7:15-20 NKJV

15 β€œBeware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

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"Just" a Housewife Sorry i don't answer DMs

In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

Well doesn't this smack like censorship

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins πŸ™

In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication

Sorry πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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#Christian #Husband #Father #Veteran #Anon #Patriot #WWG1WGA #USAF #NCSWIC

In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

I have publicly done a 180 turn, yes.

Based on the sauce I am seeing.

Since this isn't TRUTH Social (all pro-Trump) playground, we should SOURCE & SHARE.

Yes, more to come.

Kudos to those who have been digging and sharing on Trump this whole time, regardless of the blowback.

We only want to dig, connect, and see the true intentions.

In response Q Know What I Meme? to his Publication

Let’s start with this

It’s A Good Day to
join this conversation.

part one

President Donald J. Trump is Andrew Breitbart's REVENGE

In response Q Know What I Meme? to his Publication

When Trump announced he was running for president, the anons on the chans did a deep dive before supporting him. What they found is that he was a democrat all his life, that there were plenty of ties between him & Melania, epstein & maxwell. Found some creepy comments he made about Ivanka. Took down NJ mob in the 90's.

What they didn't find is any evidence of him actually being a pedo. If epstein had evidence it would have been leaked before inauguration 2017.

Yes, there are some things that Trump has said that I disagree with on the level where upon hearing it my reaction was GFY. Said he preferred to confiscate guns and then talk about it later. Again GFY.

That being said - he and Jeff Sessions (& maybe Melania) rounded up NXIVM, epstein, maxwell. Led to downfall of jean luc brunel & peter novak. He ended the Bush & Clinton political dynasties. Taken a LOT of the medias mind control power from them.

Red line is BofRights. If he defies that REVOLT.


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Never believe anything more than 98%. It leaves 1% for new information to change your mind, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse.

In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

Sorry, but I question everything, always have, and always will. I have been here since the beginning too, but not asking questions about everything is how we got in this fix in the first place.
The Bible gives us a description of the anti-christ, and it would be pure stupidity on my part to ignore the fact that Trump is in a perfect position to turn on the people. I trust only Our Creator 100%. I question everything and everyone else relentlessly.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins πŸ™

In response Sheila Abrams to her Publication

There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning everything. We were taught to use discernment. There is no denying all the shady sh*t that is developing. (They) have lied on everything including religion. If your opinion is PDJT turning on us, being the Antichrist, then so be it. I’m not here to change your point of view. I have seen enough to know that God is intertwined in all of this! Thousands of years are being undone, that is no easy feat. I for one am grateful for all those in harms way. So much has been divulged, about darkness. Why bring it to light, if you’re going to burn all the good down?#IstandwithGod

Lover of life, freedom and my God. Sharing my truth.

In response Sheila Abrams to her Publication

I too have questioned this same thing.. but keep in mind how much information has been removed from the Bible.. how controlled organized religion is.. only 66 books out of how many?? 😊😊😊

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Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.

In response Jody Donohue to her Publication

I disagree with what you're saying, but I understand the heart of it. We don't want this to turn into a divisive and black-pill platform. Some of us can't get on X to ask these questions. But aside from that, we should always be able to ask questions here. Doing so in a humble and inquiring fashion, with a willingness to be challenged in order to learn is key.

Never believe anything more than 98%. It leaves 1% for new information to change your mind, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse.

In response The Real Me to her Publication

Very well said, and I agree with you.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins πŸ™

In response The Real Me to her Publication

Agreed. I’m truly waiting on it all. πŸ™

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