Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
Prayer request, please, if I may.
My dad's on his way to the ER, we're hoping it's not another blood clot. Yes, he is fully vaxxed unfortunately, and 85 years old. A yaar ago he went through this and I believe it's your prayers that saved him.
Love to you all, thanks frens.

Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. wego.social. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS
Heavenly Father, I humbly ask in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, if YOU would, Please wrap your loving arms around 'RealMe's Dad, and HEAL Him Lord, as only YOU CAN. And give comfort to the rest of the family during this time.

Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
He did! He was released! It is viral and he was dehydrated, causing the symptoms. Thank you so much for the prayers. I love you!💕
🙌Praise GOD. Answer to prayer. Sending You a Big Hug 'RealMe'. BEST NEWS. 💞 I Love You too