Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
Dad has been discharged, all is well. Viral and he was dehydrated, creating the symptoms. Thank you everyone. I love you all! 🥰
The Real Me on
Prayer request, please, if I may. My dad's on his way to the ER, we're hoping it's not another blood clot. Yes, he is fully vaxxed unfortunately, and 85 years old. glad he is going to be okay. Take care, stay safe and may God bless you all.
Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
Thank you, Debora. I pray all the same blessings for you, your family, and the same for everyone here on AU. 🥰