Young souls learn to accept responsibility for their actions.
And old souls, learn to accept responsibility for their happiness.
The shortest distance between US and OUR new great relationship, is thinking that WE already have it and acting like it.
Mature souls learn to accept responsibility for their thoughts.
Isn't it OUR triumphs over adversity, surprise rebounds, and stellar comebacks that WE look back on with the most fondness?
Perception Management for Very Advanced Souls.
Don't be afraid to go where WE HAVE never gone and do what WE HAVE never done, because both are necessary to have what WE HAVE never had and be who WE HAVE never been.
Every burden bears a gift, every challenge brings a treasure, and every setback hides a blessing.
Is it just me or does time and space sometimes seem far too good to be true?
The next time someone upsets US, think,
"Thanks for pointing out that WE depend on our approval.
Time WE lose the expectations."
And the next ti