What happened?
A wounded soul chose to take the brunt of her anger and bitterness out on me yesterday. It's ok, I forgive her. Hurt people, hurt people. I pray she heals from what's hurting her inside, so she does not continue to wound those who never hurt her.

I had an issue last week here as well trying to share about Fakes.
Then I’m the bad guy for that.
I assure u I’m a good one.

Oh yeah there's a group here who doesn't like that at all lol! I've seen a few people suffer what you've gone through exposing the fakers. Keep going, as long as you are obeying the promptings of the holy spirit, it doesn't matter what they think or how they respond.

There is a battle going on here and I suspect because of The Spiritual battle going on in our Nation.
Many here are very like minded.