1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary
Well, in need of some prayers again.
This time for my Granddaughter. She is not eating and they have intubated her.
If you could spare some prayers for my Granddaughter,
And spare a few for my Older brother who is still suffering of Stage 4 Bone Cancer still, (update is he is on a higher dosage of pain medicine and still in Hospice care)
I would GREATLY appreciate it!!!
Thank You!!!
God Bless!!!

Info thank you Love all of you that are standing up for our country and taking it back. Bless U Save the children. The best is yet to come

1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

Info thank you Love all of you that are standing up for our country and taking it back. Bless U Save the children. The best is yet to come
Hi Again, I hope everybody’s doing OK and I said some prayers this morning. I looked at your reply. I was wondering where the picture went. Also, I read an interesting post about cancer. If you can raise the bodies, alkaline level and keep it elevated above a certain percentage for five days it’s supposed to kill cancer the protocol I was reading was baking soda and Molasses. Another person used baking soda and agave juice. If you need more information, maybe post to request prayers for you and that picture I was wondering where it went, but wasn’t for you🙏💕
No worries! I got your meaning. And while it was not bone cancer from the onset, it is in his bones now, and perhaps all his organs. He is ready to go, and when a person reaches that level, it is his choice. All I can do is pray and be there for him and my Sister-In-Law. He has tried many thing I was told, so perhaps this is just his time!