Who's ready for evil to start departing earth? Very soon.
Yes and it is up to us to do the job! Aint no one else gonna swoop in wearing a cape and do it for us! Stop relying on someone elses "plan" and lets organize ourselves! We can't count on anyone else! You know what they say, if you want it done right you gotta do it yourself!

Truth-seeker from Michigan; I put people to sleep for a living; hates all things commie
so sick of the shenanigans. I grit my teeth and pray every time something ridiculous comes on the news.

Father, Patriot, Truth Seeker, Pedophile Head Hunter! Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one's awareness of one's ignorance.
The last organization was a trap. Good Luck

Well you can vette me if you want. I am just an ordinary average God Fearing Red Blooded American who is sick and fn tired of nobody bonding together and taking a stand. That is why our main focus is community first and foremost. I agree with being cautious abd leary. We definitely need to make sure we aren't joining up with the wrong people!