V for Vectory
Universal-Personal and Planetary Gateway
The Vesica Pisces
The Watercourse Way of the Tao
The Middle Way of the Buddha
The Straight and Narrow Gate of Christ Consciousness
The Twin Pillars through which the Initiate must Pass before they can Unite the Left and Right Hemispheres and Open the Third Eye
If Thy Eye Become Single, Your Whole Body Shall Be Filled with Light

An Injustice Anywhere = Injustice Everywhere. Vegan, Respect & Protect ALL Innocent Beings. Spiritual, NOT Religious #TheGreatAwakening
3D > 4D
01 days
05 hrs

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
We have a 3-in-1/1-in-3, Holofractally Enfolded Triune Heart-Brain/Brain Heart.
The Primitive, REPTILIAN Surival Brain (We ALL have One!) is Holofractally Enfolded Within the Mammalian, E-"MOTION"-AL Brain which is, in Turn Holofractally Enfolded within the Neo-Cortex/Rational Brain.
The Neo-Cortex has a Specialized Area called the Pre-Frontal Cortex that, when fully Actualized Connects to the HEART through the TREE OF LIFE Vagus Nerve which is the Longest Nerve in the Body, Connecting Head with Heart, "Heaven to Earth" and Integrating the Masculine Rational Level of the Brain with the "Feminine", E-"MOTION"-AL Level of the Brain.
Unfortunately for Us, the "Deep State" Players Primarily Operate from the REPTILIAN Levels of their Brains and keep the Rest of Us Enslaved and Locked into OUR Survival Brains so they can Rule Over Us.
I can Explain HOW this Prevents or Ascension if you want to know more

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
Thank Q. I Appreciate that You Appreciate My Lifework. EVERYTHING I've been Posting Here has been--Repeating and Repeating Essential Concepts in Multi-Dimensional Contexts--has been Seeding the Field and helping People to become Familiar with the Ultimately Simple Ways in which the Universe Operates and HOW that Correlates with the Sacred Anatomy of the Human Body as Reflected the 144Hz Sacred Geometry of Light and Sound that is Expressed through the 6 Days of Creation in The Book of "GENE"-SIS
The Entire Bible, when Viewed as a Single Narrative can be seen as a Spiritual Road Map through which we bring our Individual and Collective Hearts into Universal-Personal and Planetary Resonance with One Another with the Quantum Heart of God that is the Ultimate Source of our Being. Here is a Great Introductory Video that INTRODUCES this Idea:
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