Everyone, with what is allegidly happening over on Telegram and bots taking over that app and posting links with malicious malware that can take over your phone ( still unconfirmed 100% ) I’m not accepting any new followers. I have been getting bombarded with a relentless amount of new accounts who are trying to follow me and just hearing of the telegram issue I set my account to only accepted followers can follow me and I won’t be accepting any new ones at this time.

If you missed my post yesterday/last night, here is the video I posted regarding it.

( and before comes at me, yes I know the lady in the video is very credible but I would like to dig into it before I make my final decision as I work in IT myself )

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.

In response USCG VET to his Publication

My IT person un-logued me and I have never been able to get back on Tgram as they will not send a link to my old flip phone. I got a new flip phone with a different number but still have the same email, any ideas how I can get back on ? or am I better off not being on tgram given this info ?

No tele isn't the problem per say. If you don't have access to your old number im not sure how youll be able to get back on. Your better off creating a new account with your new number

In response Catherine Adelle to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @USCG_VET_IS_BACK in this post can reply

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.

In response USCG VET to his Publication

DO you know if I would be able to use the same email ?

In response Catherine Adelle to her Publication

Honestly im not sure as i am only aware that for tele it only goes off your phone number unless its changed recently but i don't use nor have ever used tele at all.

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