Freedom of Information request sent to BBC:
Dear Sir/Madam,
On the website it states that cheques should be made payable to "TV Licensing". However, this is a trademark, and not a legal person, so cannot itself be the payee.
1. Which legal person owns the bank account that this cheque is initially paid into presently? (Note: this is where it is initially cashed, not who ultimately receives the funds.)
2. Has this always been the case it was this legal person, or has it ever been paid into a bank account owned by a different legal person?
To limit the scope of the second question, I consider the last 7 years to be the relevant period, but you are welcome to look further back if you wish.
Martin Geddes
I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
Nice work.
Thank you for sharing.