Today in an interview,
NY JETS Quarterback Aaron Rodgers
said "A lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel,
are really hoping" that Epstein list isn't released.
Rodgers' interview prompted Jimmy Kimmel
to threaten legal action against Rodgers.
Why, Kimmel has never MET Epstein
or flown with, visited or had ANY CONTACT WHATSOEVER
with Epstein
nor will you find his name on any "list......"
If you look at Q4577
you'll find Jimmy Kimmel's name
right under Jim Carrey's 💥💥💥
Patriot. Veteran. 😎 Queenie. Just call me Smoo. 🤗 Animal Rights = Human Rights. Proud PITBULL momma! #Godwins.
Waiting to see what happens to Gwen Stefani. 🤔
Why Gwen Stefani in particular?